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6 Nov 2010
Kings Hill, Kent
Hi All,

Just found this in my facebook feed and it looks interesting (All Apart from the plastic sheep that is). I wondered if anyone knows any more about them? Unfortunately the text is spanish so I can only loosely translate...something about three substrates all with their own function.

Ive always wanted something low tech like this that sits in a windowsil not requiring artificial light. Is this an option for me?


Very nice - better for leaving more height in the glass container compared to the initial inspiration pictures - are you going to put any other plants in there?
I have an old empty baby biorb. I want to do exactly this with it. I've never done a low- tech planted tank before. It will have to be low light, no Co2, and small plants/ mosses.

Is there any chance anyone could give me some advice on how to recreate the look of the two beautiful bowls in the pictures above?

I thought Emersed meant a small layer of water at the bottom 😵 or is that submersed...? I always get the two mixed up...
Thanks Tim, I know about wabi kusa, but I thought this kind of thing might be easier? I would love a wabi kusa bowl, I just have no idea how to get started.
Your bio orb would be perfect mate, I like to use a layer of hydrolecea capped with Colombo florabase ( nice and fertile ) add hardscape if you wish for aesthetics and plant it up, you can use cuttings from your tanks or buy fresh plants spray with ro water once a day, keep covered to keep humidity up, nice sunny windowsill and watch it grow.
Are you still talking about wabi kusa? As you are implying that it wouldn't be filled with water- just sprayed with RO. Would fully aquatic plants be ok with that?
Yes mate here's a bad pic of one of mine
Excuse the big gap I took some staurogyne out of it yesterday for a new scape, currently has rotala, hydro japan, ludwigia sp, anchor moss, hygro pinatidifida, I often chuck a few cuttings in see what bounces back, there a very few truly aquatic plants, humidity is key to them growing.
I read foxfish thread last year and it got me interested.
Great, thanks for the advice.

I'm going to make my own thread and stop hijacking this one.