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Temporarily rehousing fish


3 Jan 2011
Suplimentary to my large water change question ...

I'm planning to half drain my tank and then stir up a lot of sediment with some replanting and rescaping.
I could fill an old 25l tank to house some of my fish while I mess up the big tank - 3 Gouamis, 1 Rainbow, 2 Killis and up to 12 Neons, depending on how many I can catch. (I doubt I'd catch the Ottos or Amanos.)

Which is likely to cause more stress to the fish: rehousing them in a small tank for a few hours while i do the work, or leave them in the big tank?
I used a large black bucket when I did this to my small tank. Made sure that it was nice and dark in there so that they weren't too stressed. Amano's were a bit troublesome but it'll be less stressful catching them than leaving them in there.
Oto's are fairly easy to net once you get them on a clear area of glass. Oto's and shrimps can be bottle trapped. Check youtube if your unfamiliar with this.

Bucket or storage container as already posted will suffice, start water change into container, add heater and small filter for flow. If you have fish that may jump then a cover would be good too.
I rarely see most of the Ottos, and hardly ever during daylight, or the Shrimps. To be fair, I don't even know how many there are alive.
What would you suggest baiting the bottle trap with.