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Teak and manzi


20 Jul 2018
Hi I'm planning a rescape. And today I found a near perfect piece that's sold as teak spiderwood. It's big and will be the main feature of the hardscape. But I have alot of mazanita already and would like to add some of it in the new scape but I'm wondering about the colour difference it's going to be emersed and submersed for both types of wood. But covered emersed for the most part. Most wood get dark underwater but I'm thinking that the teak will stay way more yellow then the dark brown red colour that the mazanita has. Some one here that has experienced with these kinds of wood?
Most wood get dark underwater but I'm thinking that the teak will stay way more yellow then the dark brown red colour that the mazanita has. Some one here that has experienced with these kinds of wood?

It would be a noticeable difference bare @DeepMetropolis .

If you’re covering it in moss or epiphytes then won’t matter so much. Mix different wood types here and no one tends to notice.
Yes it's my intention too use mainly epiphites, some moss and crypts in my scape. Probably re use most what I have in my overgrown tank. But I like the look of exposed wood here and there. Don't like wood that's totally overgrown with moss, hardly see 100% moss overgrown wood in nature.
Don't like wood that's totally overgrown with moss, hardly see 100% moss overgrown wood in nature.

Beginning to wonder about moss. You think it’s your tank, then with enough months it’s taken over the place… moss everywhere but where you want it 😂

You could just leave the ‘nicer’ wood bare and plant on the rest.
You could just leave the ‘nicer’ wood bare and plant on the rest.

Well I've tried moss in the tank a few times but with an grown up SAE in there that loves the taste of it doesn't survive. I've liked the looks of Crepidomanes that could be the replacer of moss?

Have e few spicies of fissidens in my bedroom tank but there it really takes over I just pluck some pieces off the wood to maintain some order.
I've liked the looks of Crepidomanes that could be the replacer of moss?

That sounds nice 👍🏽
Would give a more natural look.

For regular scaping favourites there’s the usual Riccardia chamedryfolia which doesn’t spread. But it looks a bit cartoonish and grows in domes:



Easy to control though.