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Tanks in shed with no heating!


24 Feb 2010
HI everyone,
Considering setting up tanks in an unheated outdoor shed, but wander if it would be too cold --especialy in a winter like this,
It seems that in the house is the norm on this forum, no doubt would have to increase heaters in the tanks, (and what about powercuts in a winter like this !---would walcome any advice, and especialy from anyone with simalar setup-----regards Robert.
I insulated my shed with 75mm Polystyrene sheets then put foil backed plasterboard over the top, it kept good heat with the tanks heated !!!!
Had one in our unheated garage. Was ok until the really heavy prolonged snow in Dec/Jan when the tank sprang a major leak. Drained in mins 🙁
I have a 60l in my garage running with 150w heater, to help in the recent cold temps i have insulated 3 sides of the tank with polystyrene. Also made sure the lid fits well. No problems maintaining 24degrees C
JazzyJeff said:
I insulated my shed with 75mm Polystyrene sheets then put foil backed plasterboard over the top, it kept good heat with the tanks heated !!!!

Hi, Do you have a wooden floor in your shed, if so did you consider the weight of the tanks or perhaps im worrying too much about this-----regards Robert.
Should be ok but maybe you may need to use a more powerful than rated heater to maintain a constant temperature and avoid fluctuation. Good insulation and possibly space heating may be an idea if you were to consider turning the shed into a small fish house or something however electrical costs are going to be much higher than if this was to be done indoors.