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Tank size please help

If I'm going to need 6000 ltr turn over per hour I'll need x2 fluval FX6

filters and pumps out 3500 liters of water an hour. Are 2 of these not total over kill? They are huge
If you maximise your flow around the tank you dont need 10x.

It's just a handy figure to apply across a range of scales. Imagine your design versus the same tank planted as a jungle. Good flow (of nutrients, CO2 and waste out) in that tank would be hard to achieve hence 10x.

Your simple almost empty scape with a small bio load, it's a doddle.

A couple of eheim 2217's give you 2000lph of flow and practically as much space for media. Throw in a koralia and you're sorted for less than 2 FX6
I have a fluval 206 (200lph) on my 90L and have great flow, I was running two powerheads as well but it was blowing the tetras all over the place. Ideally I would have a fluval 306 or 406, but the flow is getting CO2 to all parts of the tank. I would suggest a contingency plan of buying one big filter to start with and having funds in reserve incase you need to add more filtration. People are not wrong with 10 times the flow but for me it would be like a washing machine, i don't think my tetras would like it.
Ok so the 10x per hour is just an example

So a fluval fx6 for my filter and a maxspect for my power head will do the job as I can set the flow to suit the tank at any time. I'll be confident in knowing I have plenty of flow and filteration with one of each 🙂
10x isn't talking about filters at all. It's flow within the tank.

Filter wise as long as you have enough media to house a bacteria colony the size your tank requires, and you get enough movement to filter all the water your good.

On top of that you have flow. That describes the effective movement of nutrients and CO2 around your tank with no dead spots.

10x should really be forgotten. Amano never comes close in his tanks so why worry?
I calculated this once (from his scape filter specs) and you're right he doesn't/didn't. I think for me 10x turnover helps, just like EI, it's plug in an' play - giving a bit more wiggle room. But the other thing is if the filter is up to the 10x turnover it keeps extraneous stuff like powerheads out of the tank...minimalism is key for my scapes.