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Tank Resonance


10 Jun 2016
I have a Juwel Rio 180 that has a built in hood.
Inside the tank I have a powerhead and a couple of air stones as well as the filter pipework.

When both the air pump and powerhead are on there seems to be some resonance which is quite audible (The wife says she cannot tell but I seem to be really sensitive to it and it annoys me...)

If I turn off either the powerhead or the airpump then the noise stops but as soon as both are on it build up again.

I have tried dampening the pipework where it comes into contact with the glass and adjusting the powerhead but I can't seem to reduce it.

Any thoughts on what to try?
Why run an air pump? In general they are not needed?
That is a very good question. I originally added a couple of air stones to some dead spots where detritus built up. Adding the airstones created a slight lift to get the gunk back in the water column and hopefully towards the filter. I have since moved the spray bar and altered the flow.

Perhaps just removing the airstones is the answer then 🙂
Airpumps are about always kinda noisy and vibrating because all of them work with bellows principle wich is always offset from the motor shaft causing inbalance. Impellor pumps less but all vibrate a litle. See if the pipe work or hoses don't touch the cabinet, as long as vibration is passed on to something hard the cabinet might work as a resonance box amplifying the sound. ANd some pumps can just be noisy, non are realy 100% silent. Depneds on how sensitive you are or how quite it is in the house.

I once had te issue that it was the cabinets door making the noise.. Door open it was rather silent door closed it started humming. The play in the hinges and the lock with the vibration of the pump made an awfull humming noise with a closed door. Tried everything filter sponge around the hoses in the cabinets holes to softly pad it, the filter canister on a soft pad, because the pumps vibration was pased on to the canister via the hoses. But in the end i had to take the canister out of the cabinet to iliminate it.
It still was the door (closed) creating the loudest noise.
Airpumps are about always kinda noisy

It is actually pretty quiet on its own. The noise is only there when everything is turned on. I will have a look at the cabinet doors but I think it is probably the Juwel hood and I don't seem to be able to isolate it.

Will have a fiddle again tonight but I think I will probably end up seeing if I can just turn off the air pump and see how that goes.
Or put the air pump on a timer to only come on when your out of the room (overnight or at work?)
Or put the air pump on a timer to only come on when your out of the room (overnight or at work?)
My air pump comes on 22:45 to 3am to degas any CO2 and act as a reminder that at air pump on time one should really be heading to bed rather than watching TV. 🙂
Is the air pump in the cabinet? I would say isolating one from the other some way would solve it as it's the frequency of both that's combining. Maybe have the air pump on a shelf or floor totally separate from the cabinet and make sure the only point of contact for the air/pump stone is the rubber sucker fixing it to the glass.
Hmm so it must be something the air line pipe is in contact with maybe. Out of curiosity what happens if you take the airstone and pipe out the tank and just run them in the same room? I know that may sound bizarre haha but I do acoustic containment in building for a living. Just trying to work out if the noise is being caused by vibration transfer from one item to the other or sound waves from each other.