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tank planning


13 Aug 2008
Surrey, UK
im planning my next scape and i cant decide upon a few things....

here is what is planned so far, so you guys can get the idea. (it was knocked up very quick and is WAY out of proportion)


as you can see it will be very simple. i will have redmoor in there somewhere sticking up with anubias and java fern.

however, do i have the wood in the middle and have the blyxa and hairgrass surronding or
like in the pic have the wood on the right and have a rock further to the left?? but i dont want the rock to take away from the wood, so id have to get the size perfect, this is an issue when internet ordering.... !!

any help would be super...
what do you guys think, opinions?
I really like it, except I would have the wood right at the endge like that.

In fact, why not just not have it at all? I think it might look a bit weird having the wood plonked there, and then a random rock plonked along a bit but that's just me - it might work!

Also, what's the grey area?
the grey area would be the 'random rock', it was more an after thought.

i cant decide if i have the wood on the right, will the rest of the tank look very bare with just a carpet of blyxa and hairgrass?
that why i cant decide on moving the wood into the middle?? :?:
I personally would forget the rock and move the wood to just off centre and you'd probably be onto something there.

I'm really into Blyxa mounds at the moment, so looking forward to this.
or do i litterally have wood off centre with blxya surronding it in a smallish circle (so woood would be poking out of the top). that would be a central island surronded by hairgrass?

sound good to you?

yeah, i tried a smiley face but had had a few too many. :silent: