Nuno da Silva
Hello everyone!
I recently stocked my 60cm cube with 15 silvertip tetras and 6 serpae tetras. They came in excellent health. I have no other fish other than a small bristlenose.
I have been running the aquarium for 3 months now and I had a huge snail population. The silvertip tetras had a feast on the snail eggs and on day two entered breeding mode.
It's caos inside the tank. The silvertip are so so aggressive to each other and to the serpae. I fear this will be the norm from now on and I would really like to lower the aggression between the fish. What do you guys recommend? Should I overstock more silvertip tetras (not very inclined to ever buy them again)? Should I overstock with other tetra? Should I lower the temp to calm them down (22 at the moment)?
I wish I could go back and remove them but catching them is not an option.
Let me know your experiences on this topic please.
I recently stocked my 60cm cube with 15 silvertip tetras and 6 serpae tetras. They came in excellent health. I have no other fish other than a small bristlenose.
I have been running the aquarium for 3 months now and I had a huge snail population. The silvertip tetras had a feast on the snail eggs and on day two entered breeding mode.
It's caos inside the tank. The silvertip are so so aggressive to each other and to the serpae. I fear this will be the norm from now on and I would really like to lower the aggression between the fish. What do you guys recommend? Should I overstock more silvertip tetras (not very inclined to ever buy them again)? Should I overstock with other tetra? Should I lower the temp to calm them down (22 at the moment)?
I wish I could go back and remove them but catching them is not an option.
Let me know your experiences on this topic please.