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tall Blyxa novoguineensis ???


13 Mar 2021
Someone gave me a plant they called blyxa 'red' which i presume is blyxa novoguineensis. It looks similar to the blyxa novo i had but it is growing 16+ inches high; my blyxa novo height is restricted to around 10ish inch high. My first though is maybe it is really blyxa japonica (simply because that plant is known to get taller); but i have my doubts - can blyxa novo actually grow tall ?
Visually the colour is closer to that plant; it is sort of like 'red' val in colour; the nova i have is suppose to be orange and when i received it - it was a nice orange; but under my growing condition it turns green (something is missing as every now and then it will begin to turn orange).

The only concern with it being aubertii is again the height is a bit off - the article you link mentions 30cm but i would venture that this plant is around 35 to 40 cm for the longest leaf. This judging based on the fact that it reached the top of a 40B (16 inch; -2 inch for substrate and +.5 inch for slight curve at the top).

Then again the article might be imprecise on exact height of the plant.

Having said that the article suggest that true nova isn't found in the aquarium at all; and this plant is definitely taller than the others i had from another source. They are around 10 inch (25 cm or maybe a bit shorter).
Oh one other thing - i've only had this plant for a couple of months; while i have the one i'm calling nova for about 18 months; this plant is definitely faster growing under my tank condition.
Ive kept Blyxa japonica....under high light and dosing Phosphate it becomes redder!
I'm sure yours might be Aubertii Red....just grows taller in your set-up as aquarium plants can be different from aquarium to aquarium.
Saying that we don't know how long ago this article was written, Bucephalandra was pretty rare 10 years ago and now its available commercially!
There is a couple of images of reported to be Blyxa novoguineensis in the link below, these might be Aubertii Red they are pretty large and long!
Ive kept Blyxa japonica....under high light and dosing Phosphate it becomes redder!
I'm sure yours might be Aubertii Red....just grows taller in your set-up as aquarium plants can be different from aquarium to aquarium.
Saying that we don't know how long ago this article was written, Bucephalandra was pretty rare 10 years ago and now its available commercially!
There is a couple of images of reported to be Blyxa novoguineensis in the link below, these might be Aubertii Red they are pretty large and long!
To be honest in post #130 the plant the guy is holding looks pretty large 😉 These two plants are so close in structure. post #117 is what my novo looked like when i received it (of course now it is nice and green); i wish it was easier to tell the two plants apart - like if one had a rhizome or bulb or different pattern in the leaf.

I'm not disagreeing that the 2nd plant is almost certainly aubertii i just wish there was some sort of obvious difference (to the naive eye like myself) between the two.