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Takashi Amano - SUMIDA AQUARIUM - display tanks

This is shocking 😀 They did what they usually do in 120-180cm but in 7m.... They do not fear to use this much light over the tank. I think that's the big difference compare to any other giant planted tanks what we've seen before.

Amazing team effort. I am glad i was not the one who had to fix the plant on the wood on the first vid and do the carpet planting here on the second. :lol:
Jeez! If you had that in your house you'd never leave! Awesome, just the sheer scale, the ridiculous number of fish, the perfection.... (the outrageous cost!!!!)

Having said that it would never have got past the HSE assessment in this country - I swear I thought someone was going to lose an eye, and clearly their DSE ergonomic assessor needs a good talking to......
And the part 3

I really like the quality of the tank, never seen a rimless one like that before.
Regarding the light I think they measured it to match the one on smaller size aquariums. 🙂
mvasingh said:
How on earth are they going to do the plant maintenance on these?


Great video's,I love the wood scaped tank but I am not a fan of the mountain inspired tanks as I can't see the point of creating a non aquatic scene in an aquarium as impressive as they are.
Is it me or the videos don't work anymore 🙁
The original videos are down for a week or so, but you could search them on their channel if you want, they were uploaded again ...

Anyway since I'm here here are the first two ones in english ..

They've probably uploaded, and not made private (that was the intention i think)

I did it once with a Tropica video and forgot to press the 'unlisted' button. i had a few hundred views and comments, before i realised. I was nearly in trouble for that :lol:

Anyway, i've seen the full videos before removel, and i have to say, this puts Amano up into the land of the aquascaping Gods. The `iwagumi is just.....I have no words to decribe.

Plants growing that well, in that size tank?? The layout is just amazing too.
I have heard a while ago someone saying - When one have nothing more to say talks a lot.
This big tanks look to me a lot like - When one have nothing to show makes huge aquariums.

I don't mean to be the black sheep here, but it would be fair to say that in such big aquariums layout could have been more creative and different, not simply to look like over sized small aquascape.
The scale in the two scapes is insignificant in comparison to the tank size.

Of course the plant growth quality is outstanding as always. That's where Amano is a small God. No questions there.