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6 May 2012
Today was the day that the realisation that something was quite not right, just another normal day....water change, grand prox, ebay, then a tank was found coming to an end on ebay just 6 miles down the road.....

Filter - check
Heater - check
light - check
space - sorted

won the tank, collected, positioned and sat back and said to the boy, Ram tank!!

Left his room, looking back at his new tank (well you know how it is) looked at the tank on the wall, walked into bedroom and quickly checked how the shrimp are doing in the 2 tanks, downstairs and fed the discus....

Sat down and checked the shipping statuses on the 2 eheim externals and thought....

MTS - never thought i would be so quick for it to kick in, then realised that I also have MFS also considering there's 6 externals and 3 internal filters in the house.......

Just waiting to realise what other syndromes is gonna pop out next..... :jawdrop
I think you will soon realise that you are suffering from NMS too.

N O M O N E Y S Y N D R O M E ! ! !

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
yeah i seem to have both the mts and nms lol.

its fun and keeps me out of trouble, well, kinda