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switching DHG to cuba

Kyle Lambert

15 Aug 2013
So my DHG has been in the tank for about 6 weeks now and there are the odd shoots coming up here and there in the substrate, however, i really like the idea of switching to HC. As there are only clumps of DHG with the occasional single blade popping up would it be too difficult to rip out without having to switch my substrate?

so theres a picture of the DHG there. if the link works... the first few shots are the current lay out of the tank. im halfway through stripping back the JM on the driftwood as it was mostly dead. might leave the odd bit on to see if it will take again. contemplating moving what i think is baby tears (might want someone to plant ID that for me though) in front of and behind the wood. Any thoughts? Also. the big semi purple plants in the middle... any idea what they are?
By DHG do you mean dwarf Hair grass? if so I don't think you actually have them, from the pictures they look like a lilaeopsis of some sort. You can pull them out without switching substrate but while you pull them out a little bit of substrate may stir up.
Oh ok. in that case i will clear it out. Bought it having been told it was DHG but if someone else can confirm the above then itll definitely be stripped out.
The "semi-purple-plants" are some kind of Cryptocoryne. Can't really tell which, from that picture ! 😉
Your tank - your choices 🙂
It's the grass type plant, yes. A nice little plant, though - and doesn't count against it, that it's really easy to grow ..........
well ive been unbothered about it since not long after it went in. Plus with it being so ragged it looks... unkempt. lol. definitely would prefer to get HC in there instead.