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17 Mar 2008
I went swimming for the 1st time in i don't know how many years this morning. And that's only cause my right knee has finally recovered tot he point i can put sock on again without the use of an Aid.
Managed i think about 10 lengths in 45 mins.
Getting out of the pool was an effort as my legs were jelly and so was the walk home from the sports centre.
Hoping to go atleast 3 times a week on the mornings when i am not working. And will try for after work as there is a pool near work on the way home in the evenings.
Managed to get Corporate discount thru medicash with work to get full membership across 4 gyms for £31 per month. which i am very happy with as normal member ship was £46 per month.
Hoping this will help with my Osteoarthritis long term and also lose some weight along the way.

Any other swimmer on here.
A friend goes cold water swimming in lakes - and i think he is a nutter for it in this weather.