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Superfish 50 high tech


10 Jul 2023
Sutton, Surrey
Hi All , new here and new to aquascaping in general, last year i did my 1st tank ever , and made every mistake i possibly could but luckily didn't kill any fish. My 1st tank was tiny 25L and cheaplight etc etc, i though it will be easy , learned the hard way thats not the case but now i have slighty bigger tank got myself pressurised co2 , biomaster 250, chihiros wrgb slim and just deciding on the layout , I have made one ,i'd like to know what you guys think , not glued yet, missing details and soil .I know hardscape designs are subjective but any advice or tip will be appreciated


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Welcome 🙂

It’s a very good start, and looks great as is. It’s a nice composition. Maybe experiment with more hardscape and see how it looks.

The principle is fairly simple really. It’s like drawing a picture on paper. Use the whole sheet, fill the canvas. Don’t just draw in one corner.

This is where creative visualisation comes in to its own. You also have to factor in how plants will mesh with the hardscape once fully grown. My advice is always be bold and big with hardscape.
Sorry i never got notification of responses so i though no one gave a toss lol i completely scraped that and got different wood. Doing a dark start waiting for biofilm to go so i can start planting 20230920_205850.jpg
Members do care and sometimes responses take time as it can be later than sooner when a post is seen, I haven't seen any negative critique of someone's scapes just suggestions to help
No I didn't assume you said that,, was just making the point that posts are not always seen straight away, your scapes look good by the way and welcome to UKAPS
So nearly a year on , plants are growing well , had a BBA infestation barely survied that then came GSA and GDA that nearly broke me but loads of reading and what helped was i bought monopotashim phosphate salts and started dosing that 2ml 2-3 times a week and TNC alternatively which solved GSA it for me. But that caused my rotala hra to go green , so recently i have started to dose flora grow( which has no phosphate or nitrates) so reds are coming back .

My biggest issue now is the wood is still getting slimy mold on it nearly a year on and that is not easy to remove i really have to go at it with a wire brush. Snails dont touch it neither do the shrimp , This might be the final nail in the coffin, a year will be up in july and i might just rescape it.

I have learned to be patient and back off a little.20240507_213230_resized (2).jpgIMG_20240507_224517_497.jpgIMG_20240507_224517_497.jpg20240507_213230_resized (2).jpg
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What's the name of the plant on the bottom right with the red stripes on the underside of the leaves please?
Hi Sam , have ammanos nerite snails , bba is under control now , its the mold on the wood which wont go away , rest i am very happy.

Yes 2nd one but if you saw the 1st one you'd say thats not an aquascape 🤣

I tried to do what MD does (low tech diy co2 at some point when i realised with my hardwater growing plants is difficult) and yeah it was was not good
Hi Sam , have ammanos nerite snails , bba is under control now , its the mold on the wood which wont go away , rest i am very happy.

Yes 2nd one but if you saw the 1st one you'd say thats not an aquascape 🤣

I tried to do what MD does (low tech diy co2 at some point when i realised with my hardwater growing plants is difficult) and yeah it was was not good
Does it grow back if you siphon it off? that's weird if not