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super red harlequins

Andy can you get photos of the two diffent colours?


i tried using my sis's sony camera and even thats having trouble as they are darting around. Its a mission!
FWIW, here's a picture of one of my harlequins - but nothing beats the flash and sparkle of the real thing:

they are darker than the ones i have got recently, but the few existing ones i have are much darker than that. thing is my camera is aweful and with the flash on, the colours of the fish go!
My best attempt sorry the photo is not that great they wouldnt sit still :lol:(the 4mp point and shoot doesn't help) but it clearly shows the difference in colour.
Total respect to Saintly for his macros :thumbup: thats an amazing skill.


i cant get a shot of mine, but they are in an old shot of my old 240L.
you can clearly see the few that are a super deep red and those that are more pale which seem to be the ones the LFS's are selling.
its not the best shot as they are not sideays on but you get the idea.