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sundadanio axelrodi + crystal red shrimps


New Member
1 May 2023
Hello, are sundadanio axelrodi + crystal red shrimps compatible in a 60L heavily planted Dutch style tank? I have 11 juvenile crystal reds already but they are mostly foraging under the plants. I would like to add these beautiful nano fish blue axelrodi. Do they get along just fine? I remove my neon tetras as they terrify my young CRS. I also made a mistake of putting two Kuhli loach. Setting up a trap now.


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Hello, are sundadanio axelrodi + crystal red shrimps compatible in a 60L heavily planted Dutch style tank? I have 11 juvenile crystal reds already but they are mostly foraging under the plants. I would like to add these beautiful nano fish blue axelrodi. Do they get along just fine? I remove my neon tetras as they terrify my young CRS. I also made a mistake of putting two Kuhli loach. Setting up a trap now.
I can’t see why not, they both like water on the softer side.
Awesome! I will make a trip to my LFS tomorrow then! Any thoughts suggestions and care tips are welcome! 🙏🏽
Hello, are sundadanio axelrodi + crystal red shrimps compatible in a 60L heavily planted Dutch style tank? I have 11 juvenile crystal reds already but they are mostly foraging under the plants. I would like to add these beautiful nano fish blue axelrodi. Do they get along just fine? I remove my neon tetras as they terrify my young CRS. I also made a mistake of putting two Kuhli loach. Setting up a trap now.
If your using co2 does the change in pH not effect the crs