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suggestions please for a newbie


20 Dec 2011
My tank looks like this: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/18/31958378.png/. I guess I'm "trying" to recreate a flooded plain scene common in countless places in the tropics.

The tank is a 120L (4x2x1.5?). I have C2O equipment (cylinders, diffuser/etc), halide/4xt5 lighting and timer to control them all.

I'm hoping someone can help me plant selection.

I was looking at http://www.theplantedtank.co.uk/index.htm and greatly love the foreground plants used but unsure if hc is suitable for a beginner. blyxa seems a nice plant too but unsure if this is in the hard or easy category. I've been looking at aquaticplantcentral to get more info about the plants.

Well suggestions will be most welcome and please do suggest.

thank you very much for reading my post. 🙂
Hi & welcome to the forum.
I would suggest you read as much as possible as everything you want to know is written in the most finite detail withing the forum pages!
However to start with I would study substrates & then decide if you are prepared to invest in the ADA products or go down a different route?
Next up I would revise lighting, you will find the most spectacular tanks don't necessarily use high lighting!
Even the most respected guys are finding fantastic results with 2 x T5 with tanks deeper than yours.