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Substrates to use on a nano tank?


14 Aug 2015
Hi All, I'm setting up my denerle nano 30x30x35 cm tank. Deciding on substrates and additives. I want to keep a few white cloud mountain minnows and a few shrimp. I'm thinking of trying aquatic compost and topping it off with ADA Malay powder. Now I will be buying an external filter and heater but not sure about flow rates etc. The inlet and return will be glass lily pipes. I will inject CO2 as i want some montecarlo carpeting plants and some mosses too. So does anyone ever used aquatic compost with shrimps? Will it cause issues? Will it add harmful chemicals which will kill the shrimps. Any advise would be much appreciated. I haven't had a planted tank for some years now. Just want to get back into the hobby.