Welcome to the forum..
As Lindy says it will depend on the type of shrimp you want to keep. Cherry Neo Caradina shrimp are generally thought to be hardier and 'easier' to keep than their cousins the Caradina shrimp.
It is all subjective and down to persoanl preference but IF you want to keep the Crystal Red or Black shrimp typically the PH needs to be sub 7.0 and usually between 6.3 at 6.8 is preferable although I am now talking to breeders who do not bother as much with the typical PH rule .They seem to be fine in 7.0 water.
I have learned that shrimp and ferts really don't mix well, if you keep ferts light you should be fine. I have for example got it from a Tropica spokesperson that their products when used in accord with the directions are safe for shrimp. I have used ferts and watched their activity grind to a halt.
TDS is important (150) is usually a good guide for Crystals, as is KH, the use of RO and more (mainly for the Crysal reds and blacks). Feel free to drop me a message if you want more info.
If you want to watch a good Youtube guide for keeping and breeding Crystal Shrimp a very good channel is 'Marks Shrimp Tanks'. I've learned a lot from this channel - he covers all aspects.
Substrate for Cherry - Any inert is fine - I have used Dennerle Garlenkies substrate and my blue shrimp like turning over the granules.
Substrate for Crystals- ADA Amazonia, ShrimpKing, Akadama, Shirakura. I would google these but generally speaking the ADA is considered the best although I now use Shrimpking.
Good luck.