I'm new here and also to aquascaping and was hoping to get some advice on substrates firstly.I've kept tropical aquariums for 3 years, but not properly planted ones so am a complete noob to scaping and hi tech tanks but am currently doing a lot of reading and research on the subject.I have recently upgraded my aquarium to a juwel trigon 190 which is currently filtered with a fluval g6,and am in the process of researching and designing an aquascape. I'm just about to order a co2 art 'complete' co2 system for regulated co2 supply. The the type of scape I am hoping to create is going to have deeper substrate at the back and sides and be carpeted with glossostigma or similar plants, to create a depth perspective, with a couple of other (yet undecided plants). The gloso carpet however will be the main feature of the scape. Im looking at ADA Amazonia for the substrate ( selected after reading George farmers guide to various substrates) but am willing to look at others if anyone has any suggestions? The main questions I am looking for answers to are...
Guidance on full substrate set up? The composition and order of layers?
Should I use one complete substrate only or a mixture?
Can complete substrates be bulked with anything to make my deeper substrate more cost effective without affecting plant growth? Eg bulked with standard inert gravel or lower layers inert gravel with only top layers in ADA Amazonia or similar?
Any help and advice would be much appreciated.
I'm new here and also to aquascaping and was hoping to get some advice on substrates firstly.I've kept tropical aquariums for 3 years, but not properly planted ones so am a complete noob to scaping and hi tech tanks but am currently doing a lot of reading and research on the subject.I have recently upgraded my aquarium to a juwel trigon 190 which is currently filtered with a fluval g6,and am in the process of researching and designing an aquascape. I'm just about to order a co2 art 'complete' co2 system for regulated co2 supply. The the type of scape I am hoping to create is going to have deeper substrate at the back and sides and be carpeted with glossostigma or similar plants, to create a depth perspective, with a couple of other (yet undecided plants). The gloso carpet however will be the main feature of the scape. Im looking at ADA Amazonia for the substrate ( selected after reading George farmers guide to various substrates) but am willing to look at others if anyone has any suggestions? The main questions I am looking for answers to are...
Guidance on full substrate set up? The composition and order of layers?
Should I use one complete substrate only or a mixture?
Can complete substrates be bulked with anything to make my deeper substrate more cost effective without affecting plant growth? Eg bulked with standard inert gravel or lower layers inert gravel with only top layers in ADA Amazonia or similar?
Any help and advice would be much appreciated.