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stumpy woods.

Mark Evans

13 Jun 2008
newark notts.
here's a few from a walk in the woods. it was rather damp and dreary, but the mosses looked radiant in the wet.



cheers guys. i think, for me, there more to document all that's wild in the UK. The inspiration these woods give me is immense.

moss rules the whole place.

this next image was taken after walking through quite a dull part. looking across the fungus stuck out like a sore thumb.


cheers james and a stinking birthday to you :wave:
Antoni Dimitrov said:
Great shots, Mark!

thanks mate. that reminds me, i must mail you :thumbup:

flygja said:
I thought the first pic was actually a macro of an emersed setup :lol:

if i could create something as natural, i'd be well happy. 😀

A word of warning....there's a young man with a gun in the woods. so be careful.


a couple of random shots.


This second image shows clumps of grass growing along the water filled furrows created by a tractor.They also contained some kind of aquatic stem plant, which was growing at quite a rate. Everything else around the area was brown. The first image of the soldier, was the opposite way on.

I love it when photographs make me smile, and these did - they're wonderful 😀
Mark your photography is first class,did you take these hand held or did you have the tripod with you ?
regards john.
aaronnorth said:
The colours are always so vivid :thumbup: Especially on the moss covered tree trunk :thumbup:

cheers dude. the particular lens i've used is just amazing. colours are so rich.DPP provides some amazing colour control too

TDI-line said:
Is the young man playing Call of Duty : Modern Warfare? :angel:

he's mad on anything army at the mo. 😀

CeeBee said:
I love it when photographs make me smile, and these did - they're wonderful 😀

thanks caroline. 😀 😀 😀

john starkey said:
Mark your photography is first class,did you take these hand held or did you have the tripod with you ?

All on a tripod john. The live view has changed my picture taking tremendously. i just cant trust auto focus any more.

i've shot @ f2 because the bokeh is my fave effect from a camera.
i've shot @ f2 because the bokeh is my fave effect from a camera.

I agree i love bokeh in my bird pics,makes them stand out more,