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Struggling with some algae issues


2 Jun 2024
1. Size of tank in litres.
2. Age of the set - up.
7 weeks exactly
3. Filtration + Media/Sponges.
EHEIM 250t pro 4 filter media as comes with + bag of purigen
4. Lighting and duration.
Twinstar 450s v4 6hr photoperiod
5. Substrate.
ADA powersand, tropica aqua soil + powder
6. Co2 dosing or Non-dosing.
Co2 dosing, 4hrs prior to lights on and off with lights off. Hard water area.
7. Fertilizers used & Ratios.
APT complete 2 pumps daily, flourish excel half cap daily to try and help with algae control only.
8. Water change regime and type.
Once weekly if possible, but if algae builds up too much I’ll do sooner than weekly. 70-80%
9. Plant list + When planted.
Planted 7 weeks ago
Eleocharis pusilla
Rotala orange juice
Rotala rotundifolia
Hydrocotyle tripartita
Phyllanthus fluitans (covered half the surface so removed almost all, but still growing)
limnophila sessiliflora
Ludwigia palustris super red
Cryptocoryne flamingo
Cryptocoryne petchii
Cryptocoryne lutea
Vesicularia ferriei weeping moss
Cryptocoryne parva
Bucephalandra kedagang
10. Drop Checker.
Yes, lime green (to my eyes) for entire photoperiod
11. Inhabitants.
11 neon tetra, 4 zebra snails, 8 amano shrimp
12. Full tank image & Surface image.

Hi all,
Week 7 (I know it’s still early days) but I’m struggling with this filamentous hair type algae and some other minor issues.

Firstly could someone ID hair type algae for me, it’s not green it’s more brown colour.

I’m noticing some plant damage with bubble leaking in one spot like a tap going off. Mainly on the crypts but also noticed it on the Hydrocotyle tripartita yesterday.
One of my crypts has holes in some leaves.

The main issue is this fluffy wispy algae that’s covering the limnophila and also is attaching to the other stems and moss.

Is this just a new tank issue that will resolve itself in time? Or could I be doing something wrong? Any ideas on how to battle it? I remove what I can with a toothbrush daily, but it just comes back.

I feed the fish Aquarian flake once a day and it’s all gone within minutes.

Tank runs at 23degree although today it’s 25 due to the weather.

Appreciate these questions have probably been asked a million times, but would really appreciate any help or advice/suggestions.
Many thanks ☺️


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Hi mate that looks like diatoms to me , time period corolates with when diatoms appear in most scapes.
Remove manually as much as you can and it will pass .You can do that by syphoning or use a toothbrush gently on the plants.

The plant damage is most likely plants melt and that happens to crypts 99% of the time as they adapt to submerged form. You can trim those leaves/stems and it will promote new growth.

Just check out how to dial in co2 post other than that just be patient. Your scape is in the ugly phase and will need regular maintenance for a month or so until it stabilize.
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