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Striped rcs


19 Feb 2011
A few of my rcs have a very distinctive stripe down their backs and I was wondering if this is a common thing?


Interesting. I wonder if I could remove a berried female and see how coloured her young are? Its the only way I imagine I could check her offspring. I've got a little tank cycling in the kitchen atm so I might give that a go when its ready 😀

I had one that had similar although not as defined. Just a lower grade cherry. I noticed the marking did vary though, initially wasn't visible then came and went. Probably due to different conditions/stress levels?

Will be interesting to see offspring
Hmm, these stripes don't vary at all and the shrimp are pretty well coloured apart from that. It doesn't show too well in the photo but this shrimp's got nice solid red sides and red legs. I actually quite like them 😳

I will definitely see if I can find out how offspring turn out 🙂
