Maybe this issue would belong to under CO2-thread, but here we go anyway... I consider it as a fert.
Well, the problem is melting Java ferns, many sorts of species. I slowly stopped EasyCarbo in May->June, redused/adjusted lightning at the same time but still kept/keep fertilizing, as much as with EC wich I used over a year with succes after using gastype Co2 for two years, never had an issue like this. The only change I could see happend was stopped EC and reduced/adjusted lights. I was pleased and happy with my five tanks, and I am it now too, but Javas...they are the only plants that are now struggling. Our Hygrophilas, Myriophyllums, Anubias, crypts, Pogostemons, swords etc are doing as fine as with EC but not Java ferns, they are partly melted in all tree tanks they grow. There is no algae practically at all anywhere (soooo happy!) and as said, all other plant seems to be happy, colors and growth is healthy. Im wondering if this is the way Javas react, throw old leaves away in the new situation, or whats wrong with them? So far there is only parts of Java bushes melting, but the issue seems to spread slowly. I had very nice big bushes of Javas grown with love and patience, am I going to loose all of them or is this just temporary? Is there something I can try?
Maybe this issue would belong to under CO2-thread, but here we go anyway... I consider it as a fert.
Well, the problem is melting Java ferns, many sorts of species. I slowly stopped EasyCarbo in May->June, redused/adjusted lightning at the same time but still kept/keep fertilizing, as much as with EC wich I used over a year with succes after using gastype Co2 for two years, never had an issue like this. The only change I could see happend was stopped EC and reduced/adjusted lights. I was pleased and happy with my five tanks, and I am it now too, but Javas...they are the only plants that are now struggling. Our Hygrophilas, Myriophyllums, Anubias, crypts, Pogostemons, swords etc are doing as fine as with EC but not Java ferns, they are partly melted in all tree tanks they grow. There is no algae practically at all anywhere (soooo happy!) and as said, all other plant seems to be happy, colors and growth is healthy. Im wondering if this is the way Javas react, throw old leaves away in the new situation, or whats wrong with them? So far there is only parts of Java bushes melting, but the issue seems to spread slowly. I had very nice big bushes of Javas grown with love and patience, am I going to loose all of them or is this just temporary? Is there something I can try?