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Stocking advice for high top 100L tank - jumpers welcome!


1 Aug 2023
Hi all,

Hope you're well. I'm thinking about potential future stocking for my 200L half filled juwel lido. (Journal here)
It's a blackwater(ish) low tech set up, densely planted with very soft water (less than 2dGh) and ph of about 6.5/7. It's approx 100L volume, 70cm long, 45cm deep and 65cm high. As it's only half full, I think I have potential for some funky jumpers. Its my first tank, so I don't want to shoot for anything really hard to care for - as an example I haven't gone for otocinclus, as I know they can be very finnicky.

I currently have:
6x pygmy Corys (actively breeding, will be purchasing more)
6x green neons (would also like to bulk up this shoal a bit!)
15ish sundadanio axelrodi
15ish chili rasbora
A butt ton of snails.

I'm honestly unsure how many rasboras I have! Difficult to tell with the heavy planting.

I'm considering stocking:
  • Copella arnoldii, as I think the planting could work really well for their spawning behaviour.
  • I'm also wondering about marbled hatchet fish, although ideally I'd like to find UK bred ones (I know this is a long shot).
  • I've also sorted of fallen in love with threadfin rainbows, although I'm unsure if they'll get outcompeted when it comes to food.
  • I really like sparkling gouramis, but I know they're basically miniscule piranhas. Still, I really like they're breeding behaviour & croaking etc. Anything similar could be very fun!
  • @shangman recommended some dwarf cichlids, and I am very keen on these. My dad used to keep apistogramma cacatuoides, amongst others, and they're very fun to watch. I know they can be quite overbred/ be in poor health due to commercial breeding, so that's something I'm considering.
Any thoughts are very welcome 🙂


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I really like hatchetfish and have found that after adapting, they are very hardy. Most of my losses were of jumpers, and now that I have that under control, they have been with me for a while. I never see them in this forum, so I'm not sure if they are widely available over there...
I have an F1 pair of Betta Albimarginata Tarakan that I'd really like to sell, as I already have their parents in my main display who breed regularly. They are also now at breeding age, gladly accept pellet food ( the majority of their diet is bug bites ground down a bit in a pestle & mortar) and were raised and currently kept in good old normal Birmingham tap water. Not sure where you're based but I would happily drive about an hour for a bit of extra fuel money out if that would make collecting them easier. They're really lovely fish to keep and rarely seen over here (at least in any shops i've visited)

They have a really interesting behaviour. very curious and will beg at the glass for food! Just a note, their parents are shrimp DESTROYERS, even amano shrimp bigger than them, so keep that in mind for future inhabitants...
Interesting!! @OllieTY They're gorgeous little fish. Do they do well in community tanks? Advice seems to say no, but I'd rather trust the judgment of someone who's kept them. I think my water is too soft for shrimps, so no concerns on that front (well, for cheap shrimp anyway)...
My main pair are in with Licorice gouramis, Chili rasboras and Daisys blue ricefish, and they completely ignore everyone else in the tank. I even had issues keeping them with Bristlenose plecos! The pleco's level of boisterousness especially around feeding time really stressed them out. The pair up for sale live with celestial peal danios and completely ignore those too. if you want some more info or videos of them etc you can DM me separately, I can show you them and the parents too!

EDIT: The ONLY aggression I see at the moment is with my original female to her daughters ( with this species, the female is much more dominant in general). Part of the reason I'd like to sell this F1 pair off is so that their sisters can live a more peaceful life outside of the main display tank where their parents are...