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Stocking 300 liters (Rehousing three aquariums)


15 Dec 2021
Hey everyone.

Currently I have three aquarium(140 liters, 80 and 50) at home with the following fish (Approximately, it's hard to count them):
-10 Tetra Ember.
-10 Cardinal Tetra
-10 Rummynose Tetra
-10 Microdevario Kubotai
-10 Harlequin Rasbora
-15 Chili Rasbora
-15 Rasboras Galaxy
-6 otocinclus
-25 Amano Shrimp
-1 Vampire Shrimp
-2 Bristlenose pleco.
-8 Nerite Snails.
-Around 50 Neocaridinas
-Around 30 Ramshorn snails.

I'm planning to unify them all into a 300 liters tank, which will be heavily planted jungle style(Vallisnerias, Amazon swords, Anubias, Java Fern, Floating plants, etc). As they're all small fish, I was thinking about increasing a bit the stocking to something like this:

-15 Tetra Ember.
-15 Cardinal Tetra
-15 Rummynose Tetra
-15 Microdevario Kubotai
-15 Harlequin Rasbora
-25 Chili Rasbora
-25 Rasboras Galaxy
-12 Otocinclus
-35 Amano Shrimp
-1 Vampire Shrimp
-2 Bristlenose pleco
-10 Nerite Snails.
-Around 50 Neocaridinas
-Around 30 Ramshorn snails.

About filtration, it will have a JBL 1501, and aquaclear 30, and aquaclear 70 and a Oase Biomaster 250.

Would that many fish be too much for a 300 liters tank?

Would that many fish be too much for a 300 liters tank?
On the face of it the tanks probably at its limit but doable. I say doable as I've no idea how a lot of these different species would interact with each other, assuming there are no issues in that department my only other concern would be that if its a new tank it might not provide enough food for the ottolincus (algae ~ biofilm), so maybe introduce them once its matured a bit.
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I'd say it would be overstocked...(possibly even with the stock you already have...) I would just start out with the stock you consolidate from the existing 3 tanks and see how that goes when the tank is heavily planted. As John mentioned the Oto's will be short of food sources (biofilm/algae) initially - the same goes for the shrimps and snails, so I suggest being generous with algae wafers and possibly some botanicals (almond leaves) around the tank which the Oto's will munch on as well or possibly keep all the algae eaters and scavengers (snails/shrimps/Otos/Plecos) in one of the existing tanks until the new tank matures a bit.

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Thanks for the replies. I think I will sell a couple of species, as I really want to increase each shoal so they feel more confortable. I might leave things like this:

-15 Tetra Ember.
-15 Cardinal Tetra
-15 Rummynose Tetra
-15 Microdevario Kubotai
-15 Rasboras Galaxy
-10 Otocinclus
-35 Amano Shrimp
-8 Nerite Snails.
-Around 50 Neocaridinas
-Around 30 Ramshorn snails.
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