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Sticklebacks alone, in pairs or a shoal?

8 Dec 2023
A question from my sister who keeps a lovely half whisky barrel pond in her yard:

“I have one stickleback (originally two) and wondered what people thought about introducing 1, 2 or 3 more. Whether it’s best to have even numbers, whether the remaining one will be too big for young ones and will kill them… whether the other original fish maybe died because the remaining one likes being alone 😅 Apparently they are social fish and usually are in schools. And they can also live five years which will be a long time if the little (big) guy is sad.”

Anyone know the answer to this because I know nothing about sticklebacks?
Schooling, add a few more but barrels are kinda small.
It’s only small (60-80l thereabouts?) but nicely planted and well looked after so a few sticklebacks would be all the livestock. Any thoughts of size of added fish? Are sticklebacks usually aggressive to smaller fish?
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