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Staurogyne grown in house plant pot no watering


22 Mar 2013

I dropped a tiny leaf in my house plant pot ages ago and just noticed this !!

Would someone say this is normal ? Hasn't been watered at all and it's got to have been a month at least .
I know it can be grown emersed but within reason to being humid and included moisture or am I wrong ??

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Staurogyne is perfectly capable of growing like a window-sill plant. Needs a little time to adapt, but if it makes that transition it's not very demanding. Will give "spears" of tiny, white flowers later on.
You can do a cover of it under your Ficus............😀
I know it's a hardy plant but not that hardy haha ,
It's been left next to a kitchen window which is often open and it being winter ( more like spring) it has been cold.....ish
It's handy to know though , just thought it was a show and tell moment 😉

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Nice! I think as long as the stem had remained healthy it would have been fine for it to start adapting. I'm sure I read somewhere that some people who grow aquatic plants emersed would initially remove any leaves of a stem plant and lay/plant the stem, this will reduce water loss and make it easier for some stems to grow emersed. I'm sure Mick could chip in on this one.
Yep - removing leaves (sometimes all, sometimes just most) will reduce vaporation from the plant, and therefore make transition easier. This is standard procedure with cuttings in nurseries, saving the cuttings energy to use on producing callus and new roots.
I love parrot plants, ours all got destroyed 10 yrs ago by critter when i introduced a Money plant to the bay window at our old house. Any chance of a platelet some time in the future?🙂
I love parrot plants, ours all got destroyed 10 yrs ago by critter when i introduced a Money plant to the bay window at our old house. Any chance of a platelet some time in the future?🙂

Yea of coarse I'd be more then happy to send a plantlet your way 🙂

I was given this by a customer of where I was working , a good tip 🙂

Also got given this by another customer a couple weeks before hahaha be4ejeqy.jpg

Christmas cacti 🙂

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