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Stainless Steel Wire?

Ben M

1 Sep 2009
Hi, I am setting up my nano tank today, and I need to secure some wood together. I tried superglue which, as expected, didn't work. So my dad said that he's got some really thin stainless steel wire that I could use. I'm just checking that it is safe in an aquarium (with shrimp)?

cheers 😀
Does he know the grade? Low grade stainless steel will rust under water - you really need food grade (316 if I remember correctly). However a bit of rust isn't a problem IMHO as long as you're doing large regular water changes, it's just that thin wire could rust through and then your wood could fall apart. Plastic might be better if you can hide it - I used zip ties to secure wood to rocks on the past but they were disguised under the substrate.