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Stainless steel mesh inlet.

si walker

Thread starter
30 Mar 2020
Hi all.
I have an Oase Thermo 100 and have purchase one of those stainless wire mesh inlet attachments. It pushes straight onto the inlet pipe but is quite tight and would not be easy to remove in a basic water change session.
Having not yet attached it, I was wondering what other people do to maintain the open mesh as i guess it does get clogged?

Thats all.
For now.

Thank you!
Presume you have shrimp that’s why you bought a strainer ?
Yes it gets clogged but can be taken off fairly easily, remember the pipe will be wet so aids in the removal,
It easier if you had a second one to swap over so shrimp can’t go into the inlet pipe while your cleaning the strainer
I use one on a hob filter so I just remove the whole inlet pipe

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Thanks Dean.
I was thinking the same. I can cut a spare length of pipe for quick change over and easy cleaning.
Been finding 10-20 blue shrimp in my filter each time. Funnily enough they seem well happy!