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South American Biotope


7 Sep 2008
I'm trying to create a river biotope using just a few plants, plenty of bogwood and leaf litter on the bottom. However I've been told to use either beech or oak leaves as these last longer than other leaves. But I just can't get hold of these leaves at all.

Has anyone any idea what other leaves I can use that I can actually buy online?
I think they might be called 'almond' leaves or something. I've seen them on eBay, sold for Bettas and Gourami.
How many leaves do you want? I have a bag full of American Red Oak leaves that were collected last autumn from my school. I'm sure I can spare a few!
Thomas McMillan said:
I think they might be called 'almond' leaves or something. I've seen them on eBay, sold for Bettas and Gourami.

i thought they were them leaves that 'supposedly' turn your fish in to sex crazed maniacs...i never forked out the money for them though, would be intresting to ge3t feedback about them.
here are some of the benifits that aquatic magic mention-"Lowers the pH of the water and absorbs harmful chemicals.
Adds essential trace elements to the water.Contains chemical that will bind with ammonia in the water. Simulates the natural water condition which promotes breeding"