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[Sorted] Using pins to hold plants on bogwood


19 Feb 2010
I'm sure I've seen pics on here of moss attached to bogwood with dressmakers pins. Has anyone been successful at using this method to attach plants/mosses. I want to attach an anubias nana to a recess in some bogwood but the shape of the wood means it will be very hard to tie.
Re: Using pins to hold plants on bogwood

No just plants. Was planning to get the plants established over the next month or so then add fish. Would remove the pins before adding livestock
Re: Using pins to hold plants on bogwood

Thanks everyone. Decided to put the plant a further along the wood and used a clear rubber band. Will try to post pics tonight or tomorrow.

I know that superglue was an option but I lack the control and finesse reqired to use it neatly. Last time stuck my fingers to the wood and plants and ended up with a couple of suspect looking blobs that looked like bird droppings 🙄 😳