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Sooo, I have a spare spot in my living room...


8 Jan 2018
.... and as MTS usually goes I automatically think is it big enough for a small tank, I've just moved back down to 2 tanks from 3 as it was just taking a bit too much time for upkeep (my 2 tanks have been rescaped to be slow growers)

52cm wide, 30cm high and 37cm deep


So as much as I'd like a 2nd betta tank I'm not sure unless proper low maintenance

Access in a space like that would also be an issue so it's making me think of gong down the wabi-kusa route

I also have a fissidens bonsai currently sitting in a bucket but unsure if it's possible to survive emersed

Any ideas would be much appreciated as it needs to be filled with something nice before it attracts all the livingroom junk

I'd say a Wabi Kusa would work well in that space, a tank there will be a nightmare to maintain and you won't be able to do a syphon with it because of the tank level 🙂

Maybe a very large, flat Wabi Kusa filling most of the space? Much lower maintenance too

I've got a small pump which I use for water changes so low level isn't an issue but I agree with it being more hassle than it's worth Oscar

Only place I can find that has glass vases to suit wabi kusa is ikea....

Love the look of the wooden plinth setups, on the hunt for a cheapish setup and light now
That's an idea I've been toying with and had a look at the dooa neo air and looks great but a bit on the expensive side

Will keep looking
The only thing I would say, is beware of any condensation. That cabinet will suck up any moisture it can get (particleboard most likely) which could cause you problems down the line. Especially in the areas where the shelf runner holes are. To be safe, you could always get waterproof lining and run it in the area you will put the tank (you should be able to get it in white). Or, even just fill the holes with wood epoxy etc.

I only say this as I had a tank years ago which I kept in a similar type of cabinet, and it did cause the joints to bubble and expand over time. I know this doesn't help with choosing a tank.... but thought it was worth mentioning 😀

The dooa neo air is nice! But if you are spending that kind of money, there would most likely be a variety of options available...

PS - 3rd tank?! Jealous!