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Some growth issue in some plants.


24 Jun 2021
Hey guys,

So the issue is when i am trying some new plants ,some just did not grow at all while some do very good.

I rescaped a month ago and added the new plants plants (all tissue culture so around 0.5-1 Inch in height). \
Here is the list and the current status after 1 month :

New plants :
  • Hygrophilia polysperma "Rosanervig" --> Grew at least 15 inch
  • Hygrophylia polysperma "Indian Red" --> Grew at least 10 inch
  • Hygrophylia lancea "Araguaia" --> around 2 new leafs here (might have an issue here aswell)
  • Pogostemon Helferi --> maybe half an inch, its always getting uprooted by the MTS.
  • myriophyllum guyana --> nothing at all

Old plants :
  • Hygrophilia corimbosa ---> 6 inch growth
  • Cryptocoryne wendiiti brown ---> 2 new leaves (once the root system will be establish again they just grow like weed in my tank around 2 leaves a week)
  • Staurogyne Repens ---> did not move them but cut them out to the substrate, grew 1 inch since then)
  • Pogostegmon Stellatus ---> Old stem became bad but new growth is health and around 4-5 inch growth
  • Alternanthera Reineckii --> always have issue with this, it grow slow but leaves are almost purple, always get algae on the bottom leaves

i have tried the cabomba in the past and its was already 6 inch when i planted them. It didnt grow at all either. idk if this and the myriophyllum guyana are from the same family since they look similar and i ahve an issue growing these kind of plant while it should be easy to grow.

Here is the spec of the aquarium :

Mesurement : 84"Long x 26"Deep x 26" Height
Water temp : 28c or 82f
Lighting : 5 x AI freshwater prime set at 5500K 100%, at 30 inch above substrate (When set at 6500K 100% this is where you get the max power of the light, from the apps i would be at 30watts/54watts)
Photoperiod : 8hours with 20 min ramp up/down included
Co2 : 1.4 PH drop from 8.3 to 6.9, Drop checker in the worst flow in the aquarium is lime green)
Substrate : Seachem Red Sand so inert
GH : 6
KH : 7

Fertilizer :
Fertilize my 50% water change to 30/5/30 + 5 ppm Magnesium with 0.2 ppm trace once a week
daily 0.1 ppm trace.

This tank has 15 discus between 5 to 6 inch so with the feeding my No3 stay between 20-30 from the test kit(i know they arent really accurate but its still a mesurement) and i lose around 1 ppm phosphate over the week.

Tell me if i forget to specify something.

I would like to know what is causing that.

What i am thinking the cause could be :

  • the higher temp
  • maybe co2 delivery (even thought every plant sway in the aquarium from front to back) and recently discovered that my "real flow" = 2 x the tank. Water is crystal clear anyways and almost no build up of wastes at the substrate
  • my fertilizing regimen is missing something (which i doubt unless what i am using is missing something in it)

I can provide my tap water report if you need too.
i am using fertilizer from AAA Aquatique - AAA Aquatic (KNO3, KH2PO4,K2S04,MGSO4, CSM+B)