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some concerns with small cylinder


15 Feb 2016
Hi all,

I have the following small cylinder on my desk, marina 360, filtered in hidden compartment. I had initially planned on letting cycle for a month; with catappa leaves etc to create biofilm, but I have a more pressing concern, that is temperature fluctuations.

Sometimes the light from the window can intensely shine onto the tank, am I right in thinking potential fluctuations would easily kill red cherry shrimp for example? I have experienced a bit of a light disaster before in another 10 litre, but that was in an exposed sponge filter and not fully cycled.

Anyway I could wait it out and see what happens, but if the consensus is that this would fail; it'd be easier to just move the tank back home into the shade.

Pics attached,



  • desk cylinder.jpg
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All aquarium plants are shade plants. Direct sunlight for extended periods can harm them, regardless of temperature.

I live in a very hot country and we must use shade cloth material to cover windows in Summer if aquarium nearby.

If you have air conditioning don't worry about the heat caused by direct sunlight. If the temperature in the room climbs there's much bigger risk of overheating than direct sunlight alone.
I would say the shrimp would be at risk if the temperature fluctuates greatly.

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I would say the shrimp would be at risk if the temperature fluctuates greatly.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

Yeah, I decided to move the tank back home to a better position; not worth risking it in my work 🙂