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So Ebay ?????


12 Oct 2023
Southampton, UK
Right ...... so Ebay has decided it will no longer accept new listings for live invertebrates. I'm stumped. I have been selling shrimp on Ebay for years, very successfully on and off, when I had stock available.
I'm not a dedicated breeder so its not really cost effective to produce my own website for selling, as I only have stock to sell, now and again. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where to sell shrimp online in the UK ?

Facebook doesn't allow it. Gumtree charges £3 a shot. Any thoughts ?
Right ...... so Ebay has decided it will no longer accept new listings for live invertebrates. I'm stumped. I have been selling shrimp on Ebay for years, very successfully on and off, when I had stock available.
I'm not a dedicated breeder so its not really cost effective to produce my own website for selling, as I only have stock to sell, now and again. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where to sell shrimp online in the UK ?

Facebook doesn't allow it. Gumtree charges £3 a shot. Any thoughts ?
Band is an option. Recently it's turned into mostly people using it to raffle off fish/shrimp/snails etc, which I don't agree with but you can still post normal adverts or even setup your own band for free.