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18 Feb 2015
Well I've been pulling the od snail out every other day. I'm concerned about getting infested with them. So I bought some assassin and now from what Iv been reading they could take over and infest my tank.
How do you get rid of an infestation of snails
Ive always thought the snails do more good than harm. I got red ramshorns, pond snails and malaysian trumpets. Just another cog in my system

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Pet snails that are introduced on purpose are OK, and assassins rarely become a problem, they're easy to control...if you end up with too many they're easy to remove and give/sell to your LFS.
It's the pest pond snails that piggyback on plants that are a PITA. They don't need any encouragement to become an epidemic plague. KILL THEM...KILL THEM ALL...:twisted::twisted::twisted:
eSHa Gastropex is the answer...check this out...http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/snails-invasion.36137/#post-395496
Probably you got hard water or calcium rich hardware 🙂 which is heaven for snails.. in softer and more acidic invironment they rarely reach adulthood. There just isn't enough calcium to get to it and relative acidic water prevents their shell development even more. Already adult snails can do in such invironment for quit long time, but new borns realy don't.

F.e. i got relatively soft water about GH 5 i have a horned nerite snail in it and after a few months it's lost it's horns. But they do not reproducee in fresh water.. Also introduced some ramshorns and pondsnails with plants and regularly see eggs. And still i have them but still from april till now none of them realy reached adulthood i regularly see small white empty snail shells of pond snail and ramshorn laying around near the filter inlet. 🙂
I once introduced a Skunk Botia into my Trigon 350 planted tank by mistake, (it was hiding in a potted aquarium plant). Before long I didn't have a single snail in my tank. The Botia remained quite small in size, under 2" and was a peacefull fish. This fish kept my tank snail free, I would be interested if any other members have had similar results.
Dwarf puffers will quickly eliminate all the snails in your tank. But they'll become their own problem later, as they will eat all your baby shrimp and nip at fins of slower fish that stay still like cories. I've had mixed experience in feeding them, some only take live food while others were able to take frozen bloodworms (which I feed everyday for my discus).

At one point, a few friends of mine were passing dwarf puffers around as snail extermination for hire and it worked well!