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Snail damage or co2 deficient?

They look like they've been munched to me. The leaves look otherwise healthy, and if they're from a Crypt, they don't need additional CO2 to thrive.
Thought so.
I've tried esha gastropex,which didn't seem to affect them.
Also,recently ran a course of meds,which contained copper...which also didn't kill them.
Would you recommend double dosing gastropex?
I have 4 japonica shrimp,rummy nose tetras,harlequins,rainbows,cory and ottos.

Snails are bladder snails and miniature mts..which only grow to approx 3mm.
There is your answer.
It is clear that your snails are nibbling on the new growth if no other food arround. Mine did sometimes alrhough very rare.And Im talking 200-300 Ramshorn snails in 20l tank. I doubt that is the japonica shrimps as if it were them the devastation is a lot more.If they go for a plant they dont stop with few holes.They strip it all.Mine liked lobelia mini very much if underfed.Bare stalks left over night.
It is possible the shrimps and ottos are clearing the tank and is little left for the snails.Try to trow a blanched leaf or courgette now and then and they may leave your plants alone.
Regards Konsa
Would you recommend double dosing gastropex?
I couldn't recommend it, but its how I've eradicated the little blahblahblahblahers in the past. Then wait a week, do a greater than 50% water change and do it again.
Amanos and fish seem unaffected, but other shrimp might be sensitive to overdoses and not fair very well at all. But that's just my experience and since everyones tank is different it might not work so well for you.
Either way, if you decide to risk it don't forget to take in to account the capacity of your filter when working out the dose and to remove any absorbent media.
I might try manual removal,first.
I can tolerate a bit of leaf damage..but my crypts are taking a beating atm
Or maybe too many photons, I managed to put holes in my crypts with too intense light and I had no snails at the time. G farmer did a tank at Green Aqua it was very nice and lots of crpts but the ADA light was too much and the cypts melted and was taken out and in went stems 😉
So maybe reduce the light intensity.

My tank know has many snails and a few crypts and holes in crypts are not an issue unless they get in the high light intensity area
Ah right.
I'll remove the bladder snails first,then if there's no improvement,I'll have to reconsider.