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Smiley Face shaped Shrimp

Re: Heart shaped Shrimp

Hi Gill,
Whitey has nice one with a smiley face 🙂 he uses it as his avatar but has some better shots in one of his journals.
Don't know about a heart shaped one though.
Re: Heart shaped Shrimp

Doh, Yep its the Smiley faced one. Don't know why i was thinking it was heart shaped.
My memory is Abismal at the best of times. Forgot the 1st part of an interview half way thru this morning and rambled for a while.
Re: Heart shaped Shrimp

Gill said:
Doh, Yep its the Smiley faced one. Don't know why i was thinking it was heart shaped.
My memory is Abismal at the best of times. Forgot the 1st part of an interview half way thru this morning and rambled for a while.
Must have your holiday on your mind!
yep that is the one, take some pix and tag chris in them, so that he knows they have been posted.
I know if he chooses the shrimp, he asks for them to be sent to him for studio shoots.