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Small tank lighting. 10 G


12 Feb 2010
Ive had a look and cant see anyone posting a question with the same size tank, but excuse me if I missed it.
I have a 45 litre approx 10 gallon tank, 50cm*30*30. What light is good for optimum light? Stupid question? Well some say you need more some say you need less. Getting confused. At the moment im running two 30W compact 6500K flo's and one 15W 6500K T8. Ive upgraded 4 times. From 15W to 30 to 45 now to 75. Now the glosso is starting to grow. have I nailed it in terms of light or do I need more?...less, is 75 ridiculous?
Currently using easy carbo and micro ferts, still (!) waiting for co2 reg and macros to turn up, so bit stuck till then.
Hi, I would say that the light you got is more than enough, 75W is good for a tank that size.

I think that where you will see the major diference is when you start using Macros, then you will see your plants grow jump. 🙂

At least that was what happened with me, I had 70W on a tank 100cm x 50cm x 36cm, as soon as I started EI (a week in) the plants changed for the better.
Thanks. For a minute their I thought I was being silly with the light levels but it does seem to work. With a photo period of 9 hours I'm not getting any algae. Ferts came today, so should with any luck see a bit more luxurious growth. Unfortunately co2 reg turned up wrong. So thats got to go back.
Thanks for your advice much appreciated.