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Small Pressurised Setup Recommendations?


25 Jun 2009
Basingstoke, Hampshire
Hey all.

I'm waiting for the big 'I told you so' but tested out the Do!Aqua CO2 starter kit and was disappointed by it lasting 2 days @ 1bps. I'm suspecting this is normal for 35g of CO2 or maybe I had a leak?

Anyways, moving forward I wanted to look at a small good quality setup for an 11 litre nano. Any recommendations? No FE's though as I don't have much room. I spotted the Soda Stream setup, has anyone had good experience of this? Any other suitably sized solutions?
Cheers Tim, the 600g may be a little large but I'll try find some photos for scale. Where is the best place for refills? Are they disposable cylinders?
600g disposables aren't too big, you can pick them up in Halfords, although I believe that they're cheaper online, although that may depend on bulk buying to offset shipping.

They are indeed disposables.
Are the thread sizes interchangeable on the JBL reg and welding bottle? May be a good cost effective solution. Empty cylinders are easy to safely dispose at a normal recycling centre?