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Small, flat pebbles for moss rocks


9 Jan 2010
Trying to find some small, flat, inexpensive pebbles to coat with moss.

Almost everything I can find is either very decorative or too large or jagged.

Any ideas for what kind of stone I should be looking for and where I can get it from?
chilled84 said:
Its naughty but will sure be nice, try the beach and boil them good. 😀

I'd love to, but I can't get there. I need something I can order online. My lfs doesn't really have anything suitable.
hi there

garden centre scottish cobbles are the job
or slate pieces,

as mentioned you will get a smaller flatter pebble off the beach
but i wouldnt condone that sort of thing (....hides stash)

disclaimer... 😉 ....some say these will do nasty things to your water
personally i only used them for a short time with no issues
but maybe do some homework on it!


you can use more or less anything, I use granite chunks that I helped myself to from a pub carpark anything like slate or granite is best but you can use anything. Just keep an eye open and a plastic bag in pocket.
Garuf said:
Just keep an eye open and a plastic bag in pocket.

Thats what I do. All my current rock\pebble work was gathered from walking round Kent and East London!
Goodygumdrops said:
slate paddlestoes from garden centre,they look like skimmers.

That's exactly what I want!

Just need to find somewhere that will deliver now, lol.
Save your money, you won't see them once there's moss on them just use what you can find :lol:
Garuf said:
Save your money, you won't see them once there's moss on them just use what you can find :lol:

Yeah, but I'm impatient and want them NOW, lol.

Don't really have time to wander around the local park looking for flat stones.

It's not the look that I care about, just that they are relatively small and flat. Will keep an eye open, though.

To make sure they are safe, is it enough to do the vinegar test?
Assaye said:
To make sure they are safe, is it enough to do the vinegar test?

I always stick mine on a rolling boil mine for at least 20 minutes.
I would not pick anything flaky\chalky.