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Slow going, tank on a budget. (Now with moonlights)

OK so update time! My tank started getting neglected some what with just water changes and feeding happening regularly mainly duo to the stupid amount of time my degree is taking up. The weaping moss got so over grown that it cut out a lot of light and killed off my big swords so i took it all out. I have just hooked up a basic diy co2 setup to try and bring a bit of life back to the remaining plants along with EI dosing and excel. Starting to get some nice new growth from my crypts.

There is some DIY projects in the pipe line in the coming weeks when i break up for summer.
LED moonlights modded into the luminaire, hanging brackets for the lights and pressurized Co2

I will get some picture of the tanks current state shortly.
Right as promised a picture of the tank as it currently is.
Looking at the old pictures the ones that have survived have really grown especially the anubis nana petite i did not really realise until looking at them now.

Random shot of a shrimp eating an algae wafer i was using to lure snails for manual removal.
Not quiet up to George Farmer standards:snaphappy:

Also today i got a knock at the door with my LED strips for the moonlights so that should get done this weekend.
Basic stuff for the moonlights
24 blue led strip
rocker switch
12v dc transformer
2.1mm plug and jack
Well I got some fee time tonight so I cracked on with the moonlights.

The Lights before I started

As you can see helpfully there is a space for a second rocker switch
A little dremel action later

All set up to start soldering

After this I forget to snap a picture so skip a few hours ahead and ta dar!