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Slow going, tank on a budget. (Now with moonlights)


3 May 2012
OK so this is going to be my first serious attempt at a fully planted tank. I am on a very tight budget since I'm living on a student loan. so its going to be slow progress, I am currently just collecting bits as and when I have the money.

so far I have my tank, a clearseal 30x15x12 tank, a Eheim 2215 (currently running on my 10g fish only tank) and a heater (also on my 10g)

As I am on a budget the stand and hood are being made by me, out of odds and ends I already have in the garage.

so far I have got the weight bearing frame built. No laughing at my DIY skills, computers at electronics are my thing not wood 🙂


Next it is going to be faced in MDF then sealed and painted, total cost of the stand and hood will just be the sealer and paint.

I have some akadama on the way for the substrate, and that's about it so far. I will keep the journal updated as and when things happen but it will slow going.
Re: Slow going, tank on a budget.

Its going to be a relatively traditional style tank and hood design in gloss black to match the rest of my little home office.

so far for the scape I'm thinking along the lines of a redmoor root hardscape either from one side, or both sides with branches sort of meeting in the middle to form a kind of arch type look. Although its all just in my head so until I actually have some wood to play with I'm not set on anything. Then I was thinking weeping moss on the wood with a background of swords and crypts and a foreground of either glosso or one of the forms of marsilea. going for sort of a overgrown wild look. Fish will be a school of harlequin rasbora, otos and amano shrimp.
Re: Slow going, tank on a budget.

As a bit of feedback on your frame, put in a couple of horizontal braces across the front and also front-back. You'll increase the strength of the frame massively in terms of "knocks and wobbles".
Re: Slow going, tank on a budget.

LancsRick said:
As a bit of feedback on your frame, put in a couple of horizontal braces across the front and also front-back. You'll increase the strength of the frame massively in terms of "knocks and wobbles".

OK thanks, I shall go digging in the garage see what I can find to do that.
Re: Slow going, tank on a budget.

looking good so far,but i'd be a bit concerned having the tank so close to a radiator.
Re: Slow going, tank on a budget.

MDF in place lots of filling and sanding to be done to make up for my poor workmanship.


A few nice sunny days and some free time later and the stand is finished.


Over all I am happy with it. It is far from perfect but will do. The only power tool I had was a drill so all of the cutting was done with a panel saw so im surprised it even came out as good as it did given my lack of ability to cut in a straight line. :lol:

The entire cost of the stand came to about £20 all of the wood was free. 😀
Re: Slow going, tank on a budget.

sr20det said:
Well done mate that's awesome.


Also I have received my substrate 30L of fine grade moler clay from kaizen bonsai. cost me just shy of £20 for the 30L bag delivered.

Re: Slow going, tank on a budget.

Actually a pretty nice cabinet there. By the looks of it lot more practical than the standard ones with all the shelves but no room for a big filter 😀 The problem I've currently got 🙁

Hope you get nice results with a low budget, I'll keep an eye out for sure 🙂
Re: Slow going, tank on a budget.

RobS said:
Actually a pretty nice cabinet there. By the looks of it lot more practical than the standard ones with all the shelves but no room for a big filter 😀

My thoughts exactly,...you've done a very good job on the cabinet too. I bet you could fit in a FX5 in there with ease. Looking forward to keep up with your journal. 😀
Slow going, tank on a budget.

Nice looking stand. I have so DIY projects in my head right now. Hope they work out like yours has. Good luck with the tank.

Keen to go green 🙂
Re: Slow going, tank on a budget.

Thanks guys 🙂

Ordered the lights and ferts yesterdays so once they come and I get round to making a diy light stand I should be about ready to fill it up.
Re: Slow going, tank on a budget.

Yeah but they just slip over the rim of the tank, you can just pull them off. Im not at home right now but I will take a photo of them later if you like?
Re: Slow going, tank on a budget.

jbirley said:
Yeah but they just slip over the rim of the tank, you can just pull them off. Im not at home right now but I will take a photo of them later if you like?

Cheers mate, i was looking at one at P@H, small one anyways, and saw the black rims, and wondered if they were siliconed one.
Re: Slow going, tank on a budget.

Lights and ferts arrived today, only a light stand to make, hardscape and plants left to go 🙂