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Slime in 75 gallon tank


11 Dec 2015
I left my 75 gallon tank sitting full of water (no plants, no fish) for a couple of months, with no circulation.

A clear, thick slime developed on the tank surfaces and on the surface of the water.

I emptied all the water out of the tank, and wiped out the slime with paper towels.

My question is: do I need to disinfect the tank before using it again ?

Any helpful suggestions on how to deal with this problem would be appreciated.
do I need to disinfect the tank before using it again ?
Why? There are bacteria, fungi and spores all around us, on us and in our tanks. You don't have to be afraid of them. In healthy situations they all keep each other in check.
For your tank: just make sure you don't overkill it with light. You might want to rinse out any substrate you had in there.