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slightly bizzare question....

21 Feb 2009
stroud, glos
could a 3-4 inch plec die and get TOTALLY consumed by tank makes within a week?
i would think it unlikely but the only other option is he jumped out and that is surely far more unlikely.

last time i saw him was a week ago yesterday when i ran out of co2, had no co2 until wednesday so lights had been out so didn't notice his absence until late in the week, now i'm sure he's gone as i had a major replanting today pretty much had the whole tank empty of plants!
actually i just found a tiny amount of remains in the one small patch of plants i didn't move!
so 40 cardinals, some chain loaches and a couple of young angels can indeed munch thro a smallish plec in a few days! :0(
well, at least i'm sure i didn't gas him!
That is a really nice looking Plec. That sucks big time. :thumbdown: Are you going to get another?
firstman said:
That sucks big time.

no pun intended? :0/

yeah i do really want to get another, a guy fairly close is selling some.
unfortunately i'm waiting to see if i get made redundant, so i need to wait a bit!