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Slice of Amazon

Marc Davis

16 Jul 2018
Hi guys....Yet another rescape. Wanted to give my fish more of a realistic environment so added lots of bog wood and will be adding more leaf litter. I wanted to simulate something on the bank of a river. Obviously it isnt a true biotope but i feel its much more natural and already the fish are behaving in a really nice way thats enjoyable to view.

The wife wasn't a fan of the full tea stained looked so ive gone somewhere in the middle (little does she know that i the bog wood will continue to leach. The floating plants will spread and cover more light and give a nice tone of light to the tank, plus the java fern and swords will grow a lot taller as they are only small now.

Here it is:

How To. River bank aquascape.jpg

And here is the setup video:
I've added a darker sand to the substrate now and the wood is started to release tannings so getting some nice mearkyness.
A little bit cloudy still from adding the sand.
Also added some more wood to the left front as this area was a bit too open and the two swords, left and right which will will in those areas nicely over the next few months.
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