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Si's 90cm bow

15 Feb 2008
Ok after much deliberation I have decided to change my rock layout, the rotundifolias needed a good cut back too as they had reached the surface. The microsorum plants were not doing overly too well either, which is strange. They must not like the high light. So out they went. along with some bogwood that was at the rear. I planted some didiplis in-front of both of the rotala's (which are too small to see yet) hpefully this should give a nice tiered appearance once grown out. Oh I also bought a rhinox diffusior to use while I clean my daz beetle set. Got to admit it doesn't diffuse as well as I was hoping it would, and certainly not as well as the beetle set.

So here is the new layout.


Very nice and healty looking plants too. A couple of things that spring to mind. I try not to place red plants at the sides as it tends to keep pulling your attention to them away from the main scape. Perhaps a midground plant or two between the two large rocks to create a more gentle slope from front to rear. Once the stems at the rear fill in it should look really nice.

Nice one
Looks very nice, Simon.

Have you pruned the glosso yet? You will need to eventually to prevent lower levels from rotting and causing issues.
I have pruned it once already and it's due again. Stuff grows like crazy! I hope I haven't pruned the rotalas too much, they look a bit thin than what they did! Hopefully should sprout up in a few days time again.
EI method, but also daily tropica +. Lighting 2x arcadia T5 plant pro 1 x T8 zoomed ultrasun 1 x T8 zoomed florasun. co2 now at 3-4bps

JamesC said:
Perhaps a midground plant or two between the two large rocks to create a more gentle slope from front to rear.

My thoughts exactly, I'm currently waiting for some blyxa japonica 😉
indeed AE mini landscape rocks. in the pics they do look a bit large but in the flesh work well. Once the didiplis grows out and I get the blyxa should hide alot of them anyway. I really need to get a good camera for the final shoot before it gets ripped out....
Ok next weeks update, I have got the rotalas growing well, I guess I'll let them grow until tuesday, cut back and then shape in a couple of weeks, I'm thinking a U shape on the back. planted didiplis infront of the stems to break it up a bit. Will also be removing the lotus lily in favour of some blyxa japonica and also to plant that around the rocks.

Here we go:

Great looking scape and that is some very impressive growth!
Well after a pretty hectic time, (my wife gave birth) and with the new arrival my tank unfortunatly took a bit of a back seat. So a couple of weeks ago I decided to re-scape.
This is how my tank was looking before the overhaul


And this is where I'm up to now. So over the next few weeks I'm hoping for all the rear plants to shoot up so I can begin pruning into shape. I've added a piece of redmoor but I believe I need some more to give it structure. I re planted the glosso fairly thick, not something I'd normally do but as it was re-used It was easier to plant.
Please comment and criticise as it helps!
