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Silica sand substrate


23 Jun 2022
Czech Republic
In private conversation, a member of this community asked me some questions about using plain silica sand as a substrate. In my country, silica sand ever was and still is a default substrate, so talking about its pros and cons seems rather redundant. Yet I have noticed that within this community, commercial substrates prevail to a degree that using silica sand looks like entering an unknown territory, and questions abound. Therefore, I decided to address some of the most common questions about silica sand publicly.

Size: Decades ago, hobbyists preferred large-sized gravels about 1 cm in diameter "to keep the substrate oxygenated". There's no reason to care for substrate oxygenation, largely because natural sediments are regularly oxygen-free and both plants and microbes are adapted to it. Indeed, moderately reducing (suboxic) conditions in the substrate are beneficial for bacteria driven nutrient cycling.

Silica particles should be round-shaped without sharp edges. Personally, after experimenting with various fractions, I prefer size in the range of 1 to 2 millimeters. Planting in such substrate is the easiest possible, bottom-feeding fish like it, and it's still large enough to let small particles of detritus to settle within (which is of some importance - see below).

Artificially coloured sands: Natural silica sand is white, light gray, or slightly brownish (due to impurities consisting mainly of iron oxides). Dark coloured natural sands are rare. Most of those commercially available are artifically coloured. Using them basically means that substrate is not made of silica but of its coating, which is usually some kind of plastic. They are mostly harmless but I have happened to find some with very negative adsorption qualities - not hydrophilic but lipophilic (hydrophobic). Tanks with such a substrate invariably ended badly.

Clarity: In my country, silica sands for pool filtration are preferred for their quality, purity, and favourable price. Still, it's recommended to wash them carefully before use. They may contain dusty particles so small that they even don't sedimentate and are the source of mineral bloom. Multiple water changes are necessary to dilute such a bloom to satisfactory clarity of water.

Chemical properties: Silica is almost insoluble and does not react with any compounds normally present in the tank. In this sense, it's inert. Fears of dissolving hydrated silica (silicid acid) into water are unsubstantiated. (Besides, dissolved silica in itself does not lead to diatom outbreaks. I fertilize with dissolved silica regularly, without issues.)

Physico-chemical properties: Silica sand is generally poor adsorbent for nutrients and other compounds. In newly established tank, we can take the concentration of nutrients in the water column and within substrate for equal. This quickly changes, though, once the tank begins to "live". Tiny particles of detritus penetrate into the substrate, and plants' roots die-off there, too. Detritus is an excellent adsorbent for phosphorus and transition metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni). Silica sand enriched with detritus is also fully capable to host complete microbial community, including nitrifying microbes. (I've performed some experiments which proved it without doubt.) Indeed, I maintain that within reasonable limits of livestock population, any and all filters with their fabulous media are redundant for biofiltration. Within substrate, microbes take on natural zonal distribution in accord with redox (from fully oxidized to anoxic). Microbial community structured in this way is complete (unlike within filters) and ensures complete cycling of all compounds, organic and mineral. Plants do not expect and require anything else.

Enriching silica sand: I never enrich substrate with nutrients and have serious doubts whether this is recommendable. However, some additives can strenghten substrate's adsorbing ability. Among those I've tested several clays (purified ones available commercially in powder form), zeolites, powdered ferric (III) oxide, activated carbon, and peat.
Clays form significant part of most soils. They feature huge cation exchange capacity and, in theory, can act as buffers, stabilizing levels of metallic cations as well as protons (H+, which is acidity). Heavily protonated clays can exchange protons for metallic cations, which is the principle of action of commercially available acidifying and softening "Japanese" substrates.
Zeolites are powerful adsorbents but their modes of action strongly depend on the given kind of zeolite. Clinoptilolite is commonly used for its strong exchange affinity for ammonium (NH4+, cat litter) and can help keep ammonium within substrate, close to plants' roots and harmless for fish. In theory.
Powdered ferric oxide works as a long-term source of iron, and - more importantly - as a powerful adsorbent of phosphorus and transition metals. There's nothing unnatural about this additive as ferric oxide is present in almost all soils and microbes as well as plants' roots are well equipped to acquire nutrients from this source. (On the contrary, if detritus gets caught within filter, it adsorbs iron in the form of ferric (hydr)oxide, which then adsorbs phosphorus and micronutrients. However, since we keep our filters strongly oxidized, these nutrients seldom get reduced and are trapped in the filter forever.)
Apart from mentioned above, ferric oxide helps preventing hydrogen sulphide problems because these two readily react into harmless iron sulfide (black precipitate).
Activated carbon in itself is inert but it provides unparalleled (incl. expensive commercial filtration media) colonization area for microbes and adsorption capacity for organic compounds. My experience with this additive is negative. Activated carbon is lighter than silica, within time it tends to accumulate on the surface and algae seem to be crazy to settle and prosper on it.
Peat mostly serves for acidification and as a source of humic substances. It does not decay, have no fears.

To summarize my experience with above mentioned additives, I have to admit that my results failed to produce manifest effects. That's not to say that they're bad. There's no reason to doubt they work as theory says. Yet in my opinion, it would require large-scaled long-term experiments to demonstrate tangible effects and to gain reliable data how to use these additives with optimum results. That's obviously beyond my amateurish possibilities. As a result, for now, I stick to plain silica sand. It works and it's the safest bet.
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Nice read @_Maq_. I think there are a few here that swear by silica sand. It can develop in to a great planting medium as detritus or mulm builds up in it over time.
I've used peat capped with silica in the past. Eventually it ended up pretty well homogenised; it worked well either way.
Hi all,
how did the silica/diatom theory originate?
It is 2 + 2 = 5. Quartz (and glass) are <"made from silicon dioxide (SiO2)"> and <"so are the frustules ("skeleton") of diatoms">.

The issues are <"all to do with solubility">, the ability of diatoms to extract Si from water and the amount of <"orthosilicic acids"> (H4SiO4) in solution.

If people are insistent, I point them towards the <"Gunflint Chert">, because it has only had a meagre 1.88 * 10^9 years (1,878,000,000 + /_ 1,300,000 years) to dissolve in.
........ and the Royal Ontario Museum reported a well-constrained age date for the Gunflint flora of 1 billion 878 million years, plus or minus 1.3 million, based on uranium-lead radioactive dating. That’s really very accurate, and has become accepted as the age of these fossils.......

cheers Darrel
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how did the silica/diatom theory originate?
In nature, there's a following pattern often observed: In early spring, diatoms are the first to propagate. Later on, dissolved silica in water gets depleted and other genera of algae proliferate (green and blue-green algae - cyanobacteria).
In fish tanks, diatoms are often the first algae to develop, too. Later on they usually disappear, despite the fact that the water we provide with WC contains "new" dissolved silica. I believe the reason is that diatoms are poor competitors and subsume to other sorts of microbes once they get established. That's why I can dose dissolved silica without ever observing diatom blooms. And that's why in nature dissolved silica gets repleted from summer to winter, so that diatoms can proliferate in early spring, before other sorts of algae appear.
As a side note we must not forget that Diatoms are also regarded as 'Lungs of the Planet Earth'. I believe they produce more Oxygen than the Rain forest
Wikipedia: "they generate about 20 to 50 percent of the oxygen produced on the planet each year, ... constitute nearly half of the organic material found in the oceans. ... the entire Amazon basin is fertilized annually by 27 million tons of diatom shell dust transported by transatlantic winds from the African Sahara..."

And having said that, they can keep their obnoxious lungs out of my aquascape!

Stop bad-mouthing Diatoms :lol:

In all seriousness though, I have experienced chronic diatoms in my tanks since I started backup with the hobby using my municipal SC tap water. Good plant growth and a stable environment definitely kept it at bay, but never fully eliminated it. With my current environment that gets nothing but water changes, filamentous diatoms have become the dominant, along with some ever present thread algae. For certain excess organic matter is to blame IMO
Hey, wait a second.... Diatom shell is made of silica / silicon (Si)... are we overlooking an important (micro) nutrient?

View attachment 198923

Hmm. Non-essential but beneficial id say

Silicon makes up a good part of plant tissue since it is often found in abundance in soil.
I wonder if addition of silicon could enhance growth on any meaningful level.
Silicon makes up a good part of plant tissue since it is often found in abundance in soil.
I wonder if addition of silicon could enhance growth on any meaningful level.
That's sort of what I am getting at... I'm using RO water only (No tap water that would otherwise usually contain some Si). None of my nutrients (Macro/Micro) contains Si, so my only source of Si would be whatever is leaching from my substrate or whatever is in the food sources for my livestock. Would an addition of Si make a difference under those circumstances is the question. Moreover, it's interesting to see that amazonian waterways - even otherwise depleted ones contains quite a bit of Si. Anyway, I think this plays well into @_Maq_'s original post. Would be interesting to hear what he or anyone else with knowledge on the topic have to say.

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Would be interesting to hear what he or anyone else with knowledge on the topic have to say.
I'm using RODI water exclusively and dose dissolved silica quite regularly. Theory says it's a beneficial element and many analyses have found significant amounts of silica in tissues of water plants, esp. ferns and monocotyledons (grasses!).
I cannot report any remarkable effect. Haven't yet performed any experiment targeted on comparing the growth in water with and without silica and otherwise identical. It's on my to-do list, but not on top of it. And any similar experiment takes at least 3 months... I don't think this issue is that important. In any case, evidence that lack of dissolved silica is harmful to our plants is missing.
diatoms also require
They require a set of essential nutrients pretty identical to all photosynthesizing organisms. Silica is a requirement specific to diatoms, though.
Compared to vascular plants, cyanobacteria (and perhaps some algae) require cobalt, while boron is probably required only by vascular plants. The rest is apparently identical.
I've noticed that some commercial fertilizers contain cobalt, selenium, and even tungsten and tin. Such an elongated scale of "nutrients" may look professional, but if anything, it can do only harm. There are some elements which are supposedly beneficial for fish, plants, or microbes. However, they are required in extremely low quantities. Even with professional equipment you'd be hardly pressed to create tank not containing them in sufficient amounts. I've never encountered any need to fertilize with nickel and molybdenum, while these are unequivocally considered essential. And I've never seen a tank in which cyanobacteria could not live, which means that some cobalt is always present, without any "fertilization".
An invisible and omnipresent source of trace elements is pollen. Now, all those who suffer from pollen allergy know pretty well that there's no way to escape pollen perfectly. A few grains of pollen finding their way into your tank is enough to ensure the presence of a very long list of trace elements. There's no need to waste money for expensive chemicals.