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Sick Tiger Barb


6 Dec 2011
Found a tiger barb dead in my tank a few days ago and now one of the others is looking very pale today and his tail is drooping, any ideas what this could be??
No other symptoms, all other fish look and are acting normal. Ammonia zero, nitrate zero, unable to measure nitrate and ph is 7

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old age?
females being over bullied by males?

are the bellies sunken or swolen? are they breathing fast or struggling to breathe? etc we need a few more details if we're even slightly likely to help
Old age can be ruled out, it was a female that died and female that is sick, have 1 male but but seen any bullying as such, some chasing, fish never shown any other symptoms

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Take a photo if you can upload it to http://tinypic.com then copy the
 [img]your pic code[/img]
from tiny pic and put it in this thread if its a good picture sure we can help you diagnose the problem within a few min's it going to be the easiest way for you and members trying to help

If your using a good digital camera most have a macro setting and iso settings and shutter speed setting

Set camra to macro
Then change iso setting to highest setting
Then shutter speed to its fastest setting

That should give you a good image with lots of detail

Sure Stu can correct me if im wrong
Also don't rule out bullying it may happen when lights out your not seeing it

Also there's a few rules to try and stick to when keeping most barbs and to keep them in a min group number of 6 as they like to shoal together also try to mix 2 males to 4 female and so on always keeping more females then males to prevent males stressing the same female all day
Fish died a few days ago, all other fish are fine and look really healthy. Bit of a mystery why that 1 died

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